
Showing posts with the label emergency vehicles


As per the new Bill passed by Parliament, anybody who is seen blocking the way of an ambulance on roads will be fined for Rs 10,000. The rule is the part of Motor Vehicles.     Saving Lane stated the law states violations including not giving way to emergency services such as ambulance will attract a fine of Rs 10,000 while aggregators violating terms will have to pay a fine of Rs 5,000. The Bill was introduced following several cases that surfaced where ambulances were stuck for hours either due to agitations on roads, vehicular traffic or due to a minister's visit, sometimes causing patients to even lose their lives.   Saving Lane stated that, there have been numerous cases where ambulances were blocked by protestors during traffic cops during road blocks or ministers' visit, the patients and their families suffer. The adjustment is a strong step taken to challenge such cases of apathy.    To save life please download our app now. This will help ambulance to

Give Way To Ambulance | Saving Lane

  ‘Give Way to Ambulance Initiative by Saving Lane is set to create a wave of change. Here’s Why.     “I was rushing my relative to the hospital and got trapped in the traffic midway. The traffic congestion was caused by two drivers orally fighting over whose fault it was, and didn’t clear the way even though they heard the ambulance’s siren. Gratefully, some people volunteered and tried clearing the traffic and we made it in time to the hospital”.   There are numerous other people who have had to go through such shocking experiences, with a lot of people worsening to reach the hospital on-time. With the increasing traffic on the Indian roads, ambulances quite often fall short of time.   This is why we have decided to take matter in their own hands and launched the much-needed multi-city wide ‘Give way to Ambulance ‘initiative. We want to follow a different method to educating people on this initiative; we want to personally reach out to each of them. So, this way, we sho

Save a Life by Giving Way to Ambulance | Saving Lane

In case of a medical emergency , every second is serious in saving a patient's life. The early valuation and early beginning of the treatment to the patient in the very first hour is vital in many emergencies and this gap of time is often denoted to as the 'Golden Hour'. Ambulances play a fundamental role in the golden hour, as the responsibility of the first treatment and also transporting the patient to the hospital lies with them. With cumulative traffic on the roads, we must be delicate about giving way to the ambulance. The moment we hear the siren of the ambulance, the driver should start moving to a side and give wayto it. The humblest and safest way to give way to an ambulance is by: ·         Slowing down ·         Keeping to your left   The top time-serious medical emergencies comprise heart attacks, strokes and poly-trauma with on-going bleeding. In case of a heart attack, a portion of the heart muscle stops getting sufficient blood supply due to ja

Give Way to Emergency Vehicles | Saving Lane

Whenever an ambulance’s red light is blinking... Whenever its siren is on… It means a life is at stake… You must give way to the ambulance… So that it can quickly get to the scene to treat the sick or injured.. Save Lives. Give way to ambulances… With the increasing traffic on the roads, ambulances have a tough task in taking the patients to hospitals on time. The motorists must move left making way for the ambulance on hearing the siren. A recent survey conducted revealed that nearly 20,000 patients who are transported in ambulances every year could be saved from medical problems if the vehicles could reach hospitals faster. More motorists in the busy streets of Delhi and other major cities of India are refusing to yield to emergency vehicles like ambulances and fire trucks. This assessment is based on first-hand experience of our volunteers along with a sharp rise in complaints from paramedics and firefighters. Instead of clearing and pulling to the side of the road w